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Reddood 17-07-2013 18:50

Not urbex, hence i've posted it in here


Visited with just me.

Ascending Snowdon has been on my list of things to do for a long long time, having decided to take some time away from underground mooching, and having a great weekend of weather forecast, i couldn't think of anything better to do than to give it a go.

I asked a few people who had some knowledge of the place what would be the best route to take up, and it was decided that the miners path would be the one for me. I set off from Manchester nice and early to get to the Pen-y-Pass Car Park in good time, i was there for about 8am, there wasn't a parking spot to be found! I was told i could drive 4 miles down the road to some alternative parking and get a "shuttle" back.

I arrived at the alternative parking and it very quickly became apparent that the shuttle was in fact a bus, I felt cheated and lied to, I hadn't just driven 110 miles to park my car and get on a bus, oh no..
my options were to either turn around and go home, or walk from here, i decided i would walk, I could see where i wanted to be, and obviously the quickest way there would be straight up, the route looked fairly simple from where i was standing, i had drank a few redbulls and i could still taste the kebab from the night before, what could possibly go wrong?

I grabbed my camera and a few bottles of water and off i went, my first challenge was to cross a stream, the water wasn't deep but i didn't want to get wet feet so early in the day as i felt this could cause disaster, i walked along the river bank for a while and came to a bridge, over i popped and up i went, and up and up and up...

the path up ranged from steep grass and brambles (i was wearing shorts) to scrambling up loose rock and shale to full on climbing the rocky outcrops, i would say it took around 2 hours to make my way up, but this wasn't even to the top of Snowdon, i probably still had far again to go, feeling tired and hot in the 32 degree heat i decided to just follow the railway and Llanberis track from here, and this probably took yet another hour or so.

Once at the top, i attempted to grab a couple of pictures but it was SO busy, i think half the worlds population had turned up, i watched someone getting air lifted off the hill/mountain and then i went into the cafe for some drinks, where i was held up off dick turpin (cost me a fiver for 2 drinks and a mars bar).

I drank my water and headed back down, i set off towards the Llanberis path and where you turn under the railway headed off to the right, i eventually found a route which looked doable so headed down, at first it wasn't too bad, but it quickly turned into loose scree which made the going slow, once i was 3/4 of the way down there was flowing water, i know that this would have to run into the stream/river which i had crossed when i left the car, so i just followed it, down a couple of waterfalls and eventually to the stream, there was a path at the side of the stream, but i opted to walk in it, my feet were blistered, i was badly sunburnt and my legs were cut to shreds, i have never been so glad to see nut deep water.

i was probably about 3/4 of a mile from the car, i rested for a short while before walking across a field to the road, then it was straight down the road to the carpark, where i was greeted by the lovely site of my car which i had left 2 cans of redbull in, unfortunately they were that hot, i couldn't even pick the cans up, never mind open them, i just started the car, turned on the aircon and waited for the car to cool down so i could drive to the nearest shop.

and that was my trip to snowdon, total time away from the car, about 8hrs

Video in 1080p goodness here...

There are some pictures here -

Gibbo 18-07-2013 13:58

I love this picture:

georgie 20-07-2013 01:34

should have done it via crib goch much more fun

Reddood 21-07-2013 01:09


Originally Posted by georgie (Post 150116)
should have done it via crib goch much more fun

LOL, along with the other 200 people taking that route on what was the hottest day of the year.

Not for me, I'll have a do crib goch when it's got snow on it.

Walrus75 05-08-2013 21:38


Originally Posted by georgie (Post 150116)
should have done it via crib goch much more fun

There's a saying about Crib Goch... the first time you hate it, the second time you love it, the third time you fall off. My second was about 20 years ago, I haven't had the chance for the third but I'll get there eventually, just hope the saying is not true :D The plaque nailed to the rockface half-way up commemorating some poor bugger who fell off in the mid 19th century does wonders at promoting self-confidence for the ridge... not! :)
Glorious view of Llyn Llydaw and Glaslyn mate, Llydaw is the most amazing coloured lake when caught in the right light.

Nice vid/shot of the Sea King too, XZ598.
"I could see where i wanted to be, and obviously the quickest way there would be straight up, the route looked fairly simple from where i was standing, i had drank a few redbulls and i could still taste the kebab from the night before, what could possibly go wrong?"
With all due respect the simple answer to your question is "more than you'll ever know". I maintain those big yellow beasts at a unit 400 miles north of Valley. Our crews are forever picking up people who think the same as yourself; I've mopped up body fluids in the interior of the choppers from people who were infinitely more qualified than yourself to be up amongst the mountains: even the professionals are caught out at times! The mountains, even one as benign looking as Snowdon, should be treated with respect - if you insist on going up them without the proper equipment then at least stick to the known paths and tracks... I appreciate that your original intention was to take the Miners Track but on the route you took even something as simple as a sprained ankle could have resulted in your death mate! Even if you don't have the proper kit leaving a map of the route you intend to take, complete with timings, with someone (anyone! even 'Mary' at the café) can be an absolute life-saver.
<...kicks soapbox back under table...>

sneak 25-08-2013 23:37

I did crib Goch a few weeks ago. Was amazing. But being scared of heights made it very interesting! That and going the wrong way...

It was very warm great weather and yet the Goch was dead! Literally a handful of people came past us. We did it all in reverse also lol!

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